Since moving to the same coast as my parents, I get to spend certain holidays with them, that for the past 8 years I wasn’t so fortunate in doing. I get to invite myself, my husband, (and the dog if we’re lucky) over for their Easter celebrations. I will offer a meager naturally sweetened dessert in return for the “invitation”. (We’re still good for Sunday, right Mom?) I’m in need of a healthy dish to bring and since my blogging hiatus, here’s a refresher of some of my favorite holiday treats. Let’s pick a few things quickly so we can tempt our families to invite us over this Sunday and make them forget that we’re the ones that steal the last of the deviled eggs.
In planning your menu for the spring holidays, what kinds of recipes do you look for? Flavors like lemon, juicy berries, and the obvious carrots are always at the forefront of my mind. All fresh, all spring-like! Many of these recipes have been in rotation in our celebrations the past few years and are perfectly fitting for the holiday season. I hope your Easter is filled with all the sweet luxuries of the season – great food and familiar faces close by. For your Easter brunch table or dessert enjoyment, please take inspiration from these healthy Easter recipes:
Gluten-Free Mini Veggie Quiche Bites
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