Yesterday, I had the privilege of trying out my very first dehydrated “baked goodie”.
I love raw foods but I didn’t know if a dehydrated cookie was worth the wait. It takes hours for dehydrated goods to dry properly and I wasn’t sure the taste or texture was going to stand up to the test. The test, being my taste test. I am pretty strict! But wow, it was worth the wait.
The cookie was divine. So was the second. I soon realized, this was a recipe we needed to share on the blog.
Different nuts and flours make these especially healthy. A rich cocoa flavor makes them extra delicious. And without the use of eggs, the dough isn’t so bad either!
But the most wonderful thing about these cookies is that they can be prepared raw or baked. For those of you who have a dehydrator, you’ll have a delicious raw treat after a few hours. But for those of you without dehydrators, don’t worry! These cookies are just as scrumptious baked in the oven.
Of course, baking them takes away the appeal of a raw dessert. But it certainly doesn’t take away the flavor. Most importantly, they are still a healthy, gluten free and sugar free cookie all on their own. Which ever way you decide to make them – dehydrated, baked or simply enjoying the dough, this is a treat worth trying.
Could Be Raw Chocolate Cookies
Print Recipe
2 1/2 cup Cashew Flour
1 3/4 cup Oat Flour
1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
3/4 cup Maple Syrup
1/4 cup Water
1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon Sea Salt
1/2 cup chopped Walnuts
Blend cashews and oats in a blender until fine if making your own flours. Mix flours and cocoa in a large bowl. Add all other ingredients and beat until combined. Form small balls and press flat, creating 1/4 inch thick cookies. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 8-9 hours OR bake in an oven at 325 degrees for 13 to 14 minutes.
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