Hello there, friends!
First off, we have to say thank you, thank you to those who have posted and shared kind words about our cookbook. We can’t explain how wonderful it is to stumble upon pictures, comments and reviews saying how much you like the book. Your feedback means more to us than you know. Thanks for your support and we are just soooo grateful to all of you.
We’ve been thinking about sharing a sugar-free challenge with you for awhile now. You know, something like March Madness! These last few weeks have been so busy that we realized we could use a reset with our food habits and now was a great time to start. Although we attempt eating sugar-free, we can get side tracked from our goals every once in awhile. We’re human. We want to reevaluate our habits today and begin a healthy eating challenge! This will be 30 days of sugar-free, healthy foods and we invite you to join in!
Why are we starting this challenge?
When we underwent the Candida Cleanse back in 2010, we began to understand what an important role food plays in our health. We also realized the negative impact sugar can have. The way to regain better habits and become in tune with our bodies is to get back to the wholesome foods our bodies thrive on. Healthy sugar-free desserts may help us eat healthier in general, but they should never replace the dark leafy greens and raw fruits that should always be included in our diets.
So what is the challenge?
This challenge will be similar to a Candida Cleanse. This challenge will be to eliminate all processed sugars (we’re going really strict and even cutting out natural sweeteners) as well as dairy and processed foods. We’ll eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink at least 60 ounces of water a day. We’ll eat this way for 30 days.
The Sugar-Free Challenge Plan:
During these 30 days, we want to fuel our bodies with more produce. We will focus on filling our diets with about 80 percent fruits and veggies with the other 20 percent being good proteins and fats.
One goal we had with this challenge was to decipher if we have any food sensitivities to dairy, gluten or even natural sweeteners. On the candida diet, these foods are all big no-no’s and cutting them can help us maintain a candida free body! If you do have candida, this diet switch will definitely help. If you have been a sugar addict and are just making the switch to naturally sweetened desserts, going sugar-free is the perfect “reset” so that even the naturally sweetened desserts don’t cause problems. However you’d like to participate, we invite you to go sugar-free with us this month!
Once the 30 days are up, we’ll reintroduce foods back into our diet. Our hope is that this reset will help us make wiser, healthier choices and we’ll gain a deeper understanding of how foods impact us individually.
We’ll start the challenge on Sunday, March 1st.
This time frame will have us done by spring break and Easter (so there aren’t excuses to give it a try!). We will share some recipes along the way and share pictures/tips/thoughts through our social media outlets to keep us all focused! If you have any suggestions or questions, don’t be shy! Shoot us an email or find us on social media. We’re inspired by the efforts others make to live healthier and love hearing what works for you. We’ve felt the benefits of cleanses in the past and we are confident this challenge will make a huge difference for anyone who tries it. We are excited to get started. We know our bodies will thank us for it!
Linda says
A sugar-free challenge right before sugar-friendly Easter! That is a special challenge.
Annie says
Yes, it’s certainly coming at a good time!
Antollie says
I was looking for a sugar free challenge to do in honor to my brother and sister . They both died from diabetes complications in December. This is a good way to start for me. I am in!!!
Annie says
Hello Antollie, we are so sorry to hear about that. Diabetes is very scary and we are sorry it has effected you in that way. Good for you for making healthy changes for yourself now. We are glad we can be of support to you. Thank you for joining for us!
Antollie says
Thank you for your response. I been doing the challenge and so far been good. I am looking forward for the change. Lost 3 pounds.
Annie says
Thanks for sharing, Antollie! Glad you are seeing some benefits! Keep up the great work! :)
KP says
This challenge is just what I need. Thanks!
Annie says
So glad we can help! Good luck! :)
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness says
Awesome!! I’ve been indulging a lot in the past week and am going away this weekend, where I know that I’ll be indulging more, so I’m planning on eating super clean when March hits as well… so, while I don’t know that I’ll be completely cutting out sugar, in some ways I’ll be participating in the challenge with you! I’ve also been considering eliminating dairy from my diet for a bit, or at least cutting it down a lot, so that’s another way that I’ll be challenging myself in my diet next month. Happy clean eating in March!
Annie says
Traveling and weekends are what get us! It can be hard. Those all sound like great challenges! Good luck in your goals and we hope our challenge will help motivate you. :)